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N-Type or P-Type? What are the differences between the modules?
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As with many other products, photovoltaic module manufacturing technology is constantly evolving. Panels produced today are light years different from those manufactured just a few years ago. This includes monocrystalline modules, which we distinguish between P-Type and N-Type

Where did the letters P and N come from? The generation of electricity in PV modules is made possible by the semiconductor P-N junction. P-Type panels are mostly made up of parts of P-type silicon and only a thin layer of N-type silicon, while for N-Type the proportion is reversed.

Until now, P-Type modules have been the most popular version present in the Polish and global markets. This was because their price was relatively low compared to other types, as N-Type production involved higher costs. However, year by year the price difference has blurred and it is estimated that N-Type will soon become even cheaper.

What makes the P-Type different from the N-Type?

With each passing year and each new technology, photovoltaic modules introduced to the market have boasted ever-increasing efficiency, that is the ratio of the power of electricity generated to the power of solar radiation incident on the module's surface. Unfortunately, P-Type modules have already reached the pinnacle of the possible, at 24.5% efficiency. N-Type offers much more capability and is estimated to reach as high as 29% soon.

Another difference between the two types of modules is that boron is used to manufacture P-Type panels, which can cause a problem called "boron-oxygen defect." This causes high light-induced degradation (LID) in P-type solar panels, reducing their efficiency by as much as 10% in some cases. N-type modules are instead doped with phosphorus, making them immune to this degradation.

The efficiency of the modules is not the only thing that speaks in favor of N-Type. When choosing panels of this type, you can count on:

  • Better module performance in harsh weather conditions.

  • Much more favorable degradation over time and longer life, which guarantees up to 90% of output power after the warranty expires,

  • More favorable power degradation. Only 1% after one year of use and 0.4% in each subsequent year.

  • Achieve much lower temperatures in hot weather. Contrary to what you may think, PV modules are not fond of high temperatures and thus we have a higher efficiency of the panels, as well as a lower failure rate.

The above advantages show that despite the slightly higher price, N-Type modules are more cost-effective, as their technology allows for much higher energy yields and guarantees that the cells will still be very efficient after years of use. There are many indications that the RES market will soon be dominated by this type of module and manufacturers will start offering mainly such solutions. This is a good time for RES installers and wholesalers to stock up on these products now, as homeowners and businesses interested in photovoltaics are counting on their PV installation to be as efficient as possible and for as long as possible, making N-Type a much more reliable choice than P-Type.

Where is the best place to order N-Type photovoltaic modules?

In the new 2023, N-Type modules will also appear in Greto's offer. One of the largest and most recognized module manufacturers, JA Solar, has set its sights on this type of solution. Already in the first quarter of 2023, you will be able to order:

JAM54D40 420 GB BF

JAM54D41 410 GB FB

It is also worth mentioning that one-year tests performed on JA Solar modules showed that the manufacturer's N-Type panels produce 3.9% more electricity than P-Type. 

Greto, in an effort to bring cutting-edge solutions to the market, plans to expand its range of N-Type modules in the near future. For more information on JA Solar's new panels, contact us:

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