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European Union Content

MaxiCharger DC FAST 60-240 kW

A super fast DC charger that can charge up to 240 kW of power. The DC Fast allows you to charge an electric car up to a 200 km range in 10 minutes.
If you are interested in our offer, log in, sign up or contact us: +48 882 557 266.
Product features
About the company
96% efficiency
Smart charging
Remote updating and diagnostics
Ideal for use as a public charger
Easy to install and service
Maximum output current 400 A
Autel proactively started the exploration and development of EV Charging solution in 2021, aiming to explore the sustainable development of vehicles, technology, and new energy. Autel's range of EV charging products fits perfectly for any applications, including residential, workplace, retail, commercial parking, gas stations, highway, fleet, and public CPO.