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European Union Content

Versati III Split

Gree VERSATI SPLIT heat pump is a device that enables low-temperature heating, preparing warm tap water, and air-conditioning by fan coils. It has a wide range of possibilities for running installations and localisation of montage.
If you are interested in our offer, log in, sign up or contact us: +48 728 480 883.
Product features
About the company
Easy montage
BMS - connecting with house management system
Includes inverter
Electric heaters for compressor bodywork/condensate tray.
Provides cooling system
Confirmed with an Eurovent Certificate
Pompy ciepła powietrze woda Gree to nowoczesne i energooszczędne źródło ciepła, które znajduje zastosowanie w domach i budynkach modernizowanych. To najtańszy i najbardziej ekologiczny sposób ogrzewania budynków i wody użytkowej.